If I paddle for the rest of my life I may never get on all the runs I would like to do in the Sierras. But it's a fun goal to shoot for. The other day I completed a step on that Journey - after doing the North Fork Mokelumne I have done at least one run in every major drainage: Kern, Tule, Kaweah, San Joaquin, Merced, Tuolumne, Stanislaus, Mokelumne, Cosumnes, American, Bear, Yuba, Feather. One of the best parts of whitewater kayaking is exploring a new area - literally not knowing what is around the corner. The NF Mok (Devil's Nose) was a great day and afterward I drove up a little further to find that just upstream is where the incredibly scenery starts (and where the Fantasy Falls run ends). I had no idea it was quite so picturesque in this little drainage.
I was also trying out my new boat - I got my Jackson Villain S last week but was teaching over the weekend (works for that as well) so I was excited to get a better chance to really see how it handles. I've been paddling the Rocker for the past three years and while I love the boat for it's forgiveness and ability to shrug off most anything it definitely loses something on big water runs. The Villain paddle a lot like an improved Rocker - same general forgiveness but with some edge to steer better and a little faster. Before the Mok we hit Kyburz - both have a big water feel and the Villain really responded well. It will take a little more before I have it dialed in but I think I'm going to be really happy.
My kayak memoir, A Paddler's Journey, is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Through tales of adventure and misadventure, share my experienced on my journey from eager novice to seasoned expert and professional instructor. More details on the website: www.APaddlersJourney.com
Most of my adult life has been spent teaching and managing one thing or another. Two decades ago I discovered kayaking and after spending a few years enjoying the sport I decided to try to make it my career. I have taught kayaking, guided trips, managed kayak schools and paddled all over the world. I have since settle down with my wife to raise my daughter on the Mendocino Coast - one of the most beautiful kayaking locations I've found.
PaddleBC documents my seven week road trip to British Columbia, including a solo circumnavigation of Moresby Island (Queen Charlottes).
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