I'm finally back home and get to stick around for a little while. But the final part of my latest trip was teaching an ACA Instructor Development Workshop down in the SF Bay area. We had a day of technique work in wind and rain at Half Moon Bay; a beautiful day in SF Bay visiting Angel Island and Alcatraz; and finally a short day of mock surf (the real stuff was too big for teaching) back in HMB. It was a long and fun weekend with some great people - and great future instructors.
Now I'm working on the plans for the next volume of 'Paddle California'. The theme is multi-day trips and I have several in mind both on the ocean and the rivers. First I'm trying to nail down the details for B

ig Sur (which I hope to do in April). With a few access point closures due to the state budget it is making the trip a little more challenging than I expected. Then in May I want to do a multi-day trip on the NF American (the Generation/Giant Gap combo). After that I hope to get another river trip - maybe Deer Creek, maybe Upper Cherry - and a big expedition to the Channel Islands in the fall. Any other suggestions?
While it could be a video all its own, a source to sea trip could be good watching. Of course, the scope of planning and executing such a project would be very time consuming.