
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Beauty is where you find it

I'm in Wyoming at the moment for reasons that have nothing to do with kayaking. But I brought my sea kayak along because I knew I was going to need to get out and do a little paddling while I'm here. Paddling always helps one keeps one's sanity. I didn't know what I was going to find for water, but knew that it would be easier to get out alone in my sea kayak than to find folks to paddle whitewater with. And most places have flat water around, while good whitewater can be far afield.

Entrance to Fremont Canyon
So in looking for water I found some info on Fremont Canyon here in southern Wyoming. It was a whitewater report that said the canyon had some great paddling but was normally low. Very low. Didn't sound like something for my situation. But then I ran into a rock climber who said the canyon was the best climbing around. And below the power plant in the canyon it was all flat. So I took a closer look and discovered that the Alcova reservoir is at the mouth of the canyon. And you can basically paddle up half way on flat water when the incoming water is low (like it is now).

So I got out for a little paddling. In one of the most beautiful canyons you could ever ask to paddle up. Shades of Lake Powell. So enjoy the photos and go out and find your own beauty.

End of the Flat Water Paddling
Middle of the Canyon
Rock Formations near Shore

Looking out at the Alcova Reservoir

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