
Sunday, March 29, 2009


I was on a mission yesterday to get some serious footage and photos of Tahoe while the snow is still around and the sun was shining. The crystal clear water, the snow covered slopes and pine forest, the brilliant blue sky - you can't get anything that shows the beauty of paddling in California any better. The video is still being edited but should be up in the next day or so. UPDATE: video editing is done! (higher quality version here - make sure to select HQ button in lower right corner of video player)

While I was paddling the flat waters of the lake a couple friends were squeezing a 2-day river trip on the North Fork American into one long day of fun. Which represents perhaps the hardest part of paddling in California - just too many good options. Every time I miss out on one good paddle while doing another I start questioning if I chose the right one. Should I have gone to the other place? Would it have been a better time? Will I get the chance to make up what I missed?

But this isn't really productive. So at some point you just have to say f#ck it, I had fun. And tomorrow I'll get to have fun again. So I am headed out to spend the day on the river!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate. I would have really liked to have paddled Tahoe yesterday, but was having too much fun selling car racks!
